CLINICAL massage therapy

Whether you are looking for a rehabilitative session to address a specific issue, or you need a restorative session to help you re-set and relax, we’ve got you covered.

A rehabilitative session is focused on resolving specific musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction conditions. It can be an effective treatment for injury or post-operative rehab, nerve impingement, repetitive motion strains, and postural issues. We begin with a thorough assessment and end with self-care strategies.

My sessions are customized to each individual and may include Active Release Techniques®, trigger point therapy, myofascial techniques, passive and active-assisted stretching, Kinesio Taping®, and take-home exercises or practices to support the session.

A restorative session is a whole-body approach to address everyday aches and pains, stiffness, minor postural imbalances, and stress-induced tension. A restorative massage once or twice a month can be part of your health-maintenance plan to keep mild discomforts from becoming painful issues. It is a thoroughly relaxing session to bring balance to your busy life.

Certified Clinical Rehabilitative Massage Specialist

Certified Clinical Rehabilitative Massage Specialist